Ron’s Chili for Chili Lovers

Monday, November 23, 2009 posted by ronmourra 4:13 pm

I love Chili…. Chili, Chili, Chili

Did you know that Chili can be a healthy and hearty meal if prepared right. Chili is a staple in my ‘Mourra Muscle’ meal plans especially during the winter month as it tends to be a nice comfort food. There’s nothing better than eating a  ‘MANLY’ bowl of Chili while watching some NFL Football on a Sunday. Very Nice…………..

In this video I show you how to make a Lean and Mean Chili that taste great and does your body good!


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Category : Lean-Fit-Healthy Cooking Series

3 Responses to “Ron’s Chili for Chili Lovers”

  1. Hani says:

    Ron…great video. I love the workout while cooking!

    The chilli looks awesome. How many calories do you estimate in your recipe?

  2. ronmourra says:

    Thanks Hanimal! Make sure to warmup first if you decide to workout while cooking…. lol
    If you break it down into 4 servings, you will likely get around 350 – 400 calories. Perfect combination of low glycemic carbs, protein, and fiber.

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