Archive for the ‘ Fat Blasting Workouts ’ Category

Dogfight Finisher Circuit

Sunday, April 1, 2012 posted by ronmourra 5:18 pm

It is on like Donkey Kong Folks,

Enough of my Jibber Jabber, it’s time to get right Atter. The last few weeks I have been on the educational and coaching aspect, which is important. However today it’s Exercise time and I unveil my latest finisher circuit that I have been trying out with my clients. If their reaction is any indication of how well this circuit is, Yalls are going to love this workout


Make sure you sign up for my newsletter below if you have yet to do so. Stay tuned for the next few weeks as big things are happening at Build Mourra Muscle HQ. The Lean-Fit-Healthy Revolution is taking the fitness industry by storm so you want to jump on board because summer is just around the corner!

For those in the Brantford area rumour has it that YOURS truly will be running some FREE Bootcamps for 2 Weeks and is looking for some participants! More details coming soon……

Make it Happen!

I am Ron Mourra and I approve this message


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Fat Blasting Home Exercise Workout: Volume 2 – Basement Series

Sunday, April 4, 2010 posted by ronmourra 7:22 pm

I am back with Part Duo of my Fat Blasting Basement Workout Series. I pick it up a notch and add in some challenging movements. If you have any shoulder or lower back issues make sure you modify the movements. Perfect form is essential during these advanced moves. You can also substitute Dumbbells or Kettlebells for the water jugs.

There you have it folks, try the workout and let me know how it goes. Stay tuned for my next blog post where I show you a clip from the Mourra Underground. I just made an addition to my exercise equipment tool box, 300 lbs Tractor Tires Baby!

Make it Happen


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Fat Blasting Program Revisited

Thursday, March 18, 2010 posted by ronmourra 7:14 am

Back in October of 2009 when I started Video Blogging I posted a Killer Fat Blasting Circuit program that helped me drop fat with minimal equipment. I wasn’t restricted to a gym and could literally exercise anywhere; in my basement, at the park, etc. In your quest for fat loss and being Lean-Fit-Healthy you should to go back to basics and get a strong nutrition and exercise foundation You should develop eating and workout strategies when you are on the run. Breaking it down, your focus should be on habits and being consistent with your efforts.

At times we get ‘Paralysis by Analysis’. We wonder, Should I do Cardio before weights, When is the best time to workout, How many calories should I eat, What fat burner works best, Should I put my left sock on before my right. Okay I think your get the idea. Below is a great routine that I recommend you try out, let me know how it goes.

At the end of the day, Fat Loss doesn’t have to be that complicated. I will simplify things for you, but I hope you appreciate that I have the science and the studies to back it up. If would like the layout of the program above check out FAT BLASTING PROGRAM LAYOUT.

Summer is Creeping Up Yalls, Time to get Beach Body Ready!

Stay tuned for next week’s episode which includes a Healthy and Hearty Oatmeal Pancake recipe.

Make it Happen!


Fat Loss Home Exercise Workout: Volume 1 – Basement Series

Thursday, February 18, 2010 posted by ronmourra 1:11 pm

Yo Yo, So I was planning a Kick Butt Insanely Hard Workout at the gym. I arrive at the gym only to find out it’s closed because its the weekend and it closes early.

I didn’t give up the fight and went back home determined to do a Basement workout with minimal exercise. Here is what I came up with. I give you the Build Mourra Muscle Basement Workout V1. Give it a try and drop me a line below to let me know how it went!

Summer is Creeping Up Yals make sure you stay tuned for Beach Body Workouts coming soon! Stay tuned……

Make it Happen!

I am Ron Mourra and I approve this message

Fat Blasting Med Ball Circuit Part 2: Do it Now!

Saturday, February 6, 2010 posted by ronmourra 12:30 am

Hopefully by now you had a chance to try out my first Fat Blasting Med Ball Circuit. Now I give you Part 2, where we pick it up a notch. New exercise, different movements, new rules. Variety is the ‘Spice of Life’ and exercise is no different. Shocking the muscles differently, changing up routines is essential to the Lean-Fit-Healthy Program. And now I give you Part 2….

Let’s break it down 10-15 reps or 30 seconds for each exercise interval. Keep it easy and make sure to have fun with it.

Make it Happen


Fat Blasting Med Ball Circuit Part 1: Get it in Ya!

Friday, February 5, 2010 posted by ronmourra 11:34 pm

Whats Happening Yalls, this medicine ball inspired workout will keep your heart rate up and cause you to go into oxygen debt which is key to Fat loss. Try this circuit for 2-4 Sets with 10-15 reps for each exercise and drop me a line to let me know how the workout went. For those who have a timer and/or don’t know how to count, you can use 30 seconds intervals for each exercise.

Get into these Circuits they’re Dynamite!

Stay tuned for Part 2 of Fat Blasting Circuits where I teach you the Slam Ball Exercise!

Make it Happen


Fat Blasting Home Exercise Circuit

Saturday, January 16, 2010 posted by ronmourra 6:17 pm

Yo Guys so check this out, there will be times where you have all the intentions of going to the gym, but something comes up and you have to improvise. Case in point, today I was planning to go to the gym and do one of my infamous Mourra Muscle Dogfight 2K10 Workout (to be posted soon). However my brother gave me a call and told me he was dropping by for a visit with his baby daughter and spend the day together.

Needless to say we had a blast and my niece Sofia is so much fun. She is only 11 months old and I am amazed how she can do a perfect bodyweight squat. I call it Build Mourra Muscle Baby in training. Moving forward I did not leave my house for the workout however I did make time for a Fat Blasting Home Exercise Workout. Check out the workout and let me know what you think.

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Fat Blasting Workout Video

Monday, October 26, 2009 posted by ronmourra 7:51 am

Its on like Donkey Kong! Dudes, last week I put together a great fat blasting workout to help you keep off the pounds before Christmas. Some of you have asked if I could put together a short video demonstratiing the exercises. Ask and you shall receive. Enjoy!

Make a commitment and make this year the first year that you will no longer have to make a Fitness News Year Resolution. Join my Free 4 Week Fitness Coaching program and sign up before the end of the week. This will be your last chance to participate in Free Coaching program. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to get in the best shape of your life!

Make it Happen!

Ron Mourra