Lean-Fit-Healthy Foundation – Brick By Brick
Monday, July 16, 2012What Up, What Up, What Up My Peeps,
Stealing a line from one of my favourite motivational coaches Eric Thomas – THANK GOD IT’S MONDAY!!! Let’s get right into, this post is a gem. Laying down your Lean-Fit-Healthy Foundation is one of the pillars of my coaching program. I truly believe that building the proper foundation in anything in life especially in a fitness and nutrition realm is the recipe for sustainable, long term success. Check out the video below for more info.
There you have it folks, stick with me and I will show you the way. For this week Lay down your Lean-Fit-Healthy Foundation and set some process goals. Don’t focus too much on the outcome.
As always make a decision and a commitment to getting in the best shape of your life.
And don’t forget to MAKE the REST of your LIFE, THE BEST of YOUR LIFE!