Lean-Fit-Healthy Cheat Day Principle
Tuesday, May 15, 2012Summer is almost in Full Effect Yalls!
With the first long weekend ahead us unofficially kicking off the Summer of AWESOMENESS 2K12 I thought it would be fitting to discuss cheat days. Every trainer, dietician, health professional has their own take on this topic. Some are extreme (no cheat days) some are flexible (1-2 cheat day per week). I don’t think one can say there is a right or wrong, but rather what approach resonates with you the most. What fits your goals, needs, and wants the best. If you would like to find out my humble opinion on this topic make sure to watch the video below.
There you have it folks, arming you with principles that can help you GET and STAY Lean-Fit-Healthy.
Have a great Long Weekend Gang, and remember,
You only have one Body, So you Better treat it Right!
R. Mourra