Sunday, November 15, 2009posted by ronmourra 4:58 pm
Whenever I sign up a new client or visit some friends or family I have a tendency to raid their Pantry. Guilty as charged, I am a Pantry Raider. I just find it interesting the type of foods people have in their pantries. Those who live a lean-fit-healthy life have some common food products in their pantry. In this week’s Video Blog I Raided a client’s pantry who has 2 small kids. Check out what was discovered.
If you would like me to ‘Raid your Pantry’ please schedule in an appointment as my schedule is very busy! LOL
On a serious note if you have questions regarding some foods in your pantry and not sure if they are healthy or not, please leave a comment below.
Make a Decision and Commitment to get in the Best Shape of your Life!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009posted by ronmourra 5:20 am
Hey Yalls some of you may not have been aware that the 4 Week Fitness Coaching Program came from an idea I had back in few months ago. I was at a stage in my life where I was super busy with my business and other commitments. My diet started to slip and my typical 1 hour workouts where beginning to be a drag. To be quite honest I let myself go, and I was very disappointed in myself (have you guys every felt that way).? Below was a picture I took on October 10th, 2009.
Being a Personal Trainer and a Fat Loss Coach can be tough especially when you are out of shape and not practicing what you preach. The quote “Do as I say not as I do” came to mind. So I took massive action and came up with a routine that would only would take 30 minutes 4 x per week but was innovative and unique that it maximized your results. I also developed a eating strategy and built good habits and rituals.
I held myself accountable by making a commitment to my clients (who inspired me by their own transformations) and also taking before and after pictures that would be posted on the web for everyone to see.
Yesterday marked the completion of my 4 Week Fitness Coaching Program and I feel amazing! I lost a total of 15 lbs but more importantly I built good habits and rituals that will last a lifetime. No longer do I have to count calories, measure foods, have a protein shake after every workout, etc. I eat real foods, lots of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and occasionally have a slice of pizza and a beer or 2. Check out my final pic!
For those who have been following my blog, you guys had the opportunity to sign up for the Free Fitness Coaching Program. In this program I revealed all my secrets and armed you with real strategies that work in terms of being Lean-Fit-Healthy. From the feedback I have been getting it seems that you guys have had some amazing transformations. Congratulations on making a decision and committing to being in the best shape of your life.
Monday, November 2, 2009posted by ronmourra 11:01 am
Booyakasha! I hope you guys enjoyed your Halloween Weekend. Hopefully you handed out more candy than you consumed. Every year I go out with my buddies from University and this year I dressed up as the one and only Ali G. For those not familiar with Ali G, its another of Sasha Baron Cohen’s characters. Most of you know of Borat and Bruno, but Sasha’s first character was Ali G and he is hilarious.
Moving forward only 9 weeks left till the New Year and I want you all to Make A CHOICE and DECIDE to get in the best shape of you LIFE! Here are 5 Tips to help you build momentum into the New Year.
1.) Perform Fat Blasting Circuit Workout 3 times per week (refer to previous post)
2.) Eliminate Pop and Fruit Drink/Juices and stick to Tea and Water throughout the day
3.) Drink low Sodium V8 juice once a day
4.) Eat at least 2 Fruits and 2 Vegetables a day
5.) Brush your teeth after dinner to prevent late at night snacking
There you have it folks, easy tips to implement. If you follow them it can have a huge impact on your Fitness and Healthy Journey. Thanks for all those who are participating in Free Fitness Coaching Program. You guys are doing great and from what I hear are getting some amazing results. Officially, I closed the program for new participants last week. But since many are still emailing me to participant and since I am a nice guy I will extend the sign up for the Free Fitness Coaching Program for another WEEK! Consider this an early Christmas gift.
I hope you guys take advantage of this great opportunity!
Perform 5-10 reps of each exercises and go through the list without taking a break. Once circuit complete, rest for 1 minute and then complete 1 or 2 more rounds.
Frequency: 2-3 x/week
Sets: 2 to 3
Reps: 5-10
Check back to my website for Video demonstration for each exercise
Wednesday, October 14, 2009posted by admin 5:19 am
Thanksgiving is a great time to spend with close friends and family to share a hearty meal. You should never feel guilty about eating well over the holidays, but you need an action plan in the beginning of the week that will prevent you from putting on 10-15 pounds before the next holiday which is Christmas.
Make this year the first year that you don’t have to make the dreaded Fitness New Years Resolution (only to give up in a few weeks). I am offereing a FREE 4 WEEK FITNESS COACHING PROGRAM to get you on the right path to being Lean, Fit, and Healthy. If you commit to the program I will show you how to get in the best shape of your life!
Hiya Folks, this is my first of many posts. I just wanted to thank you all for visiting my website and I hope you come back regularly for all your fitness and health information. I have been helping people get in the best shape of their lives for the last 10 years. Over the last 6 months I have created a ‘LEAN-FIT-HEALTHY’ Program that helps individuals at any age to get great results in 10 week
My innovative and unique program includes High Intensity Circuit Workouts in conjunction with an eating plan that is easy to follow. No longer do you have to eat 5-6 meals a day, count calories, measure food, etc. My program is simple, easy to follow, and gets results. All you have to do is make a commitment to yourself and your Fitness Coach (I hope you choose me!)
Is this the day you make that commitment and get in the best shape of your life? If so drop me a line and I will give you more information on how to get started.
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